Learning with tangram

Tangram is an ancient Chinese game that consists of forming shapes of animals or things from geometric figures: squares, parallelograms and triangles. In short, it is a puzzle that, according to experts, improves the intellectual performance of the user, whether adult or child.

In this case, tangram can be used in order to teach children the different geometric figures. They can experiment and manipulate this objects, work individually or in groups, create different and new figures, share ideas... In definitive, this game make a big variety of possibilities to work geometry with the pupils.

There are many and varied ways to play with the tangram: forming invented figures, following patterns to recreate established figures, using few or larger pieces. This game has many benefits for students:

1. Improve mathematical knowledge
2. Fosters fine motor skills
3. It improves the visual-spatial capacity
4. Develop logic skills
5. Improve the child's care
6. Stimulates the creativity of the child
7. Encourages effort capacity
